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Mindfulness Basics
Setting Intention
Overview & Personal Experience (3:57)
Debunking Meditation (6:19)
Simple Process (1:28)
Become the Observer (5:06)
Breathwork (4:47)
Simple Brain Harmonizing Breath Technique (2:52)
Personal Development Journal Work
You have Power over your Circumstances (3:23)
You are in charge of you
Life as a Journey of Creation
The World is your Oyster!!
Higher Self & Inner Knowing
Intuition 101 (6:12)
Develop a Relationship
Guided Meditation to talk to your Higher Self for Guidance
Guided Meditations
Intro to Guided Meditations (8:16)
Your Happy Place (13:00)
Grounding Meditation
Self Love Massage (10:07)
Simple Movement Meditation (4:08)
Healing the World with Intention
Another Grounding Meditation (7:02)
Journey to a Meadow, Mountain, Stream & Lake (8:34)
Calm & Happiness Vibration Meditation
Mystical Lake Guided Meditation
Invitation for Deepening
Journey to a Meadow, Mountain, Stream & Lake
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